I came across an article today regarding the controversy over "trans-racial adoption" as it is called. Before going further on that subject, let me pause for a moment to comment on that term. What a bunch of overly intellectual craziness that is. "Trans-racial." Talk about making things more complicated than they need to be. Who in the world came up with this and introduced it into our lexicon? I guess if I took that word seriously and as something that was real, I too would be against such a thing. But the reality is, there is no real meaning behind the word. As soon as I hear or read someone using that word, I already know they are beyond reality and are terribly out of touch.
As to the issue behind that outrageous term, adoption across ethnic lines, the fact that there is controversy over this is simply the result of the race-conscious doing what they always do, putting way too much weight on ethnic differences. Now less you think I am ignoring all of the research and study that goes into the final verdict of these people in opposition to cross-ethnic adoption, I assure you I am not. I am also not naive enough to think that love conquers all. But what I do think is that the problems that the families, both the parents and the adopted child, will experience, don't come even close to outweighing the possibility of not being adopted at all.
Our church has several white couples who have adopted children of different ethnicities. And from what I can see, these kids and parents are full of love and the children just normal people laughing and experiencing life just like every other child.
I do not doubt that these families will be required to be especially vigilant about making sure their children are exposed to, familiar with, and comfortable with their biological heritages and their place in the world, particularly if they will look different from everyone else in the family and in the neighborhood. But all parents have to be diligent in their efforts to make sure they raise well-adjusted children. The fact that there is an added issue is not reason enough to overshadow the opportunity for a child to be in a loving home, regardless of the color or culture of the prospective parents.
Now one component of this issue, an obvious sign of the value our society places on one ethnic group, or color, above another, is that when inter-ethnic adoption does occur, rarely is is a person of dark complexion adopting a white child. More often than not it is the other way around (and the whole trend of stars adopting babies from Africa and Asia is a whole different issue). Now I don't know if there are many instances where blacks or Hispanics have tried to adopt white babies or children, but something tells me that would definitely meet with even more objections from many in society. Typically when you hear of "trans-racial adoption" it is in reference to whites wanting to adopt black children. And it is has been opposed most vehemently by black sociologist associations. But whichever way the color chart goes, to me the issue is a non-issue. Love may not conquer all, because relationships and raising a family, require a great deal of effort. But the fact that someone wants to bring a little person into their life is far more than half the battle. And I do believe that the desire to love another, across culture or within it, is all that matters in the end.
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Hmm ... while I agree with your basic point, I do worry about children adopted by white parents. I know that they won't love the child any less than black parents, I wonder about the whole "identity" issue.
Will having black friends, taking the child to cultural events, taking them to black barbershops, making sure they take every black history class, etc. guarantee a child will be comfortable in his or her own "different" skin? I don't know.
It's interesting that you bring this up -- one of our adoption instructors adopted three children (one black, the other two biracial), and it seemed like children had no problems.
Being uncomfortable in your own skin is a possibility for everyone. I know of black people, raised by blacks in black neighborhoods, who are uncomfortable with who they are. So there are no guarantees either way. All I know is that a child being raised with love has a better shot at being well-adjusted than a child with no family or with a family that has other, maybe crazier issues. I would agree with you, that if there were a situation where all things were completely equal between two couples, one the same ethnicity as a prospective adoptee and the other a different ethnicity, maybe it is better to err on the side of the same ethnicity. But barring such a scenario, I don't see how we can make the ethnic difference so large of an issue that we oppose the adoption. Again, skin color and culture, are, in my opinion, just not the biggest issues in the world. I see way too many kids who seem to be doing just fine though their parents are of different ethnicities or even where I see kids who were adopted by parents of a different culture.
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