Wednesday, July 4, 2007

History's Role in Identity Pride

This being the 4th of July, I was watching a series on The History Channel or something like that which had a series on the revolutionary war and our fight for independence. Watching the shows I was reminded how easy it is for those of us of color to slip into thinking so little about ourselves. And this is especially poignant to me these days because my son, who is 10 years old now, is very much into history, particularly military stories. So he watched a lot of these kinds of shows. And it is very easy when watching these shows to think the only heroic people are those with white skin. Obviously people of color, black, native american, hispanic, asian, all played significant and often heroic roles in the development of our country. We just have to dig a little deeper sometimes to find those examples since they are not the usual stories featured in books and on television. So as we celebrate this day, we have to remember that it took a rainbow of colors to get us to where we are.

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