Thursday, June 26, 2008

Like James Brown Said, "I'm Back!"

After spending some time working on a broader concept for my blog over at "A Different Way" I have happily and excitedly decided to restart this blog again. It seems no matter how hard I try and no matter what my other interests, nothing seems to motivate me more in terms of social causes and political/social discourse than the issue of race relations and multi-ethnic relationships and children.

So I am back at it again and look forward to focusing again on these issues. So much has happened since I was last here, from the primaries and general election to other national and world affairs that I think bringing our issues to the forefront and again demonstrating just how critical it is that we increase our efforts to improve the "racial" dialogue in this country, is of supreme importance.

So come back, join the discussion when it suits you, or just read and think about what is printed or appears here in the news or video section. I am so happy to be back!

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