Monday, December 7, 2009

A New World Indeed

Wow I just noticed how long it's been since I last posted on here. My apologies to my two readers. :-) Life's been crazy. I hope all is well with you.

I came across an interesting piece you may or may not have seen on Yahoo. Check it out, it is about the rise of "bi-racial" Americans and how important the 2010 Census will be for documenting just how much our society has become more Mixed. Worth the read.

Here it is.


Frankie Perussault said...

Hi, many thnaks for your blog on the issue of 'mixed' blood kids. In France we call anyone with mixed racial origin: 'metis'. The word has no racial connotation, only indicates mixed origin. Handy.
Btw your blog only allows google account users. What with wordpress bloggers? I have put a link to your blog on my wordpress blog at:
Best regards, f r a n k i e

No More Race said...

Thanks Frankie for your comments. And I appreciate you liking it to your blog which I will check out right now. I think I might migrate my blog over to wordpress.